About Gingerful

Being redheads ourselves, we know the frustration of finding hair products that work with and for red hair.
There’s no doubt about it; ginger hair is a specialist hair type and that means it needs specialist ingredients and products to nourish, protect and enhance it.
So while the mainstream beauty industry overlooks redheads, we thought we’d take matters into our own hands. Sure, we’re a minority at less than 2% of the world’s population, but that doesn’t mean we should be ignored. We’re the beacon in a crowd (figuratively and literally), and should be treated that way.
The journey of Gingerful has been a long one. Run by the same people who run Ginger Parrot, the lifestyle website for redheads, it is a true labour of ginger love.
We noticed that people are becoming more and more proud of their differences, and quite rightly too. Redheads shouldn’t have to fit in with whatever non-specialist products are out there. Instead, we should feel free to celebrate, accentuate and maximise our gingerness.
That’s what Gingerful’s about.